Change in Islamic group

Monday, March 22, 2010

New leader for Nahdlatul Ulama during national congress beginning today

JAKARTA - INDONESIA'S largest Islamic group starts its national congress today, in a week-long meeting that could help decide if the group can shake off its political links and make a much-needed return to its roots.

Plagued by its dabbling in politics in recent years, the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has strayed from its original aim to provide spiritual and social guidance for millions of Muslims in the rural areas.

A change of guard at its national congress this week, however, could help the group, as it elects a new chairman and new head of the advisory council at the week-long muktamar, which is to be held in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

The movement was founded in 1926 as a mass-based Islamic organisation. Despite a pledge to return to its original roots, NU's leaders had continued to dabble in the political arena, driving the organisation apart and weakening its standing with the government.

'It has always been a problem for NU,' said Mr Cecep Effendi, a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute. 'Its leadership cannot disentangle itself from political parties.'

The group's entry into politics started in 1998, setting up the National Awakening Party (PKB) which took part in the first open elections a year after the fall of former president Suharto.


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